Other Awards

SSAGO Awards and Trophies

Cutlery Cup

The Cutlery Cup was created in 2007 by Will Carr (Manchester) and Jenny Mcdougall (St Andrews). Awarded annually it celebrates the achievements of a SSAGO member who has stood out at either club or national level in SSAGO or though their commitments to Scouting/Guiding.

Those nominated for the Cutlery Cup should stand out in at least one of the two following areas
1. Through their contribution to SSAGO at club (including Indie) and/or National level.
2. Through their contribution and commitment to Scouting or Guiding.

There is no requirement that nominees have sat on either club or national committees.
The candidate must be a current member of SSAGO at the time of nomination as either an associate or full member.

Submit a Nomination


04/2024 Alice Baldwin Alice Baldwin, Salford, was awarded the Cutlery Cup in 2024 for her dedication to not only her local club, SALSAGO, but also her enthusiasm and support for national events.
04/2023 Nicholas Bond Nick Bond, of Swansea, Bristol, and Southampton SSAGOs was awarded the cutlery cup in 2023 for his dedication in fulfilling his role as SSAGO's Secretary, and for his previous work on SUGS and Rali Cymru committee. He is also recognised for his dedication in truly becoming a part of 3 clubs, across his time in SSAGO, and for being the kind of person that all 3 clubs would claim as one of their own.
04/2022 Jude Blamire Jude Blamire, from Birmingham Universities Scouts and Guides (BUSAG), received the Cutlery Cup in 2022, for her dedication to SSAGO as Chair of BUSAG, Chair of WomBall 2021 and as a volunteer with Rainbows/Brownies.
08/2020 Elizabeth Marsden Elizabeth was awarded the 2020 Cutlery Cup for her prolonged and outstanding duty to Southampton SSAGO and Guiding as well as her involvement in many National Events.
04/2019 Anona Mann At Aber does ABBA Ball, Anona Mann from Sheffield Hallam Students Union Guides & Scouts (HUGS) was awarded the 2019 Cutlery Cup for the outstanding job she has done for HUGS, National SSAGO and local Scouting.
04/2018 James Frith-lees Dedication to SSAGO, SAGUWE, SAGGA and Scouting in Devon.
04/2017 Dale Patrick Commitment to National SSAGO in creation of the new Quartermaster role and online shop, Manchester SSAGO, particularly their revival to National Events and local volunteering with Explorer Scouts.
04/2015 Katrina Reynolds Replenishing BUGS, Setting up 66th Bath, helping set up Bath Network and generally supporting Scouting in the area.
04/2014 Oli Bills Dedication to Southampton SSAGO, Local Scouting and National SSAGO, taking on the role of Webmaster and building the new SSAGO website, membership and events system.
04/2012 James Waterworth Unable to find out why James was awarded the Cutlery Cup but past remembers recall James as the winner - what a mystery!
04/2011 Kate Stacey Kate worked hard as the president of SSWIGS (Swansea), supporting both local Scouting and Guiding including setting up Glamorgan West Network.
04/2010 Danielle Lumby Helped re-open and develop HUGS (Sheffield Hallam) SSAGO, was heavily involved in local Guiding and supported both national and international camps.
04/2008 William Carr Played a key role in National SSAGO, including the 2007 Steering Group, and Manchester SSAGO. Helped support local Scouting, including the relaunch of Network and DofE.
04/2007 Mark Glendinning Mark was part of Cardiff SSAGS for 7 years (From undergraduate all the way through to PhD). During that time he served on the club committee and national exec as tresurer. While on the national exec he helped write the constituion for SSAGO. Throughout his PhD he was able to suport the local club and helped with minibus driving. Mark was also an active member of the local Network unit, serving on their committee. He was also part of the Area Team which involved organising activities day, being involved in All Wales Camp and on the organising committee for the Welsh Explore Scout Camp. Mark also helped with Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan;s Centenary Camp. Mark showed dedication and pastion for SSAGO and the Scouting community that he was part of.